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Author: Gabriele Bach-Rentz

Gabriele Bach-Rentz

Gabriele Bach-Rentz

Gabriele Bach-Rentz has a lot of experience from various branches. In 2013 she joined the Südzucker Group and since 2020, she is working at BENEO as Team Assistant to Operations. In her spare time, Gabriele is a versatile artist, a painter and musician. In 2014, she initiated a ‘Gallery Exhibition’ project for colleagues. Her motto in life is “Believe in your dreams and pursue them consistently!”

  • Muddy Angel Run against breast cancer

    Muddy Angel Run against breast cancer

    What has started early this year with a tentative proposal during a meeting has turned into a real mud fight: 14 female colleagues from BENEO’s Offstein plant in Germany decided to participate in the Muddy Angel Run in Mannheim, Germany.
